Sunday, February 28, 2010

The earthquake in Haiti was an event more devasting than many of us have ever experienced. The event turned our attention to the disastrous state of the country and the many persons living well below the poverty line. It was a disaster that took the lives of more than 200,000 and displaced over a million. The world is touched by the magnitude of what has occured. When I look at these pictures, they do not nearly match what as a child I imagined the world would be like. I do not need a touching anecdote from Hollywood to understand the urgent need in that country. Over 200,000. It never occured to me how many Haitian friends I had until this tragedy. It was petrifying being able to do little more than call and make sure they at least were alive. Who knows the rest of their family.

I am not at my University now, but when I return this summer, I would like to do a major fundraiser, as many are doing. As many are doing, I would like to collect funds and food and send them to Haiti. I would like to celebrate Haitian culture and invite my friends to celebrate as well. I think so many péople realized how lucky they were to be Haitians living in America this year...

There are now more people covered in dirt. An earthquake with a magnitude of 8.8 in South America took the lives of 400 on February 27th. It has hit over four countries, including Brazil, destroying homes and displacing many. The earthquake triggered a Tsunami that is bound to hit the Pacific coast. I am not sure where, but I do know that people all over the coast are moving inland. I am hoping my family in California is not affected. Please keep my posted about the effects of this tsunami. All these things seem impossibly close, hitting closer and closer to home. But we must not take this as some vengeance of the earth or the manifestation of some ancient prophecy. We are all powerful in this world, and there are some monsters we ourselves have put in motion. We are not just the helpless victims, and we must cease looking at ourselves this way. If you must die for a cause, look around you-we aren´t short of causes. If you must live for the moment, do so, conscious of the fact you are a moving element of the world-tiny yet visible, and you are capable of bringing relief. So shed tears in your penthouses for the things you don´t think you can fix, but remember what it took you to get there. Remember that nothing ever was easy. Maybe you didnt dream it would be like this either. But here we are with the tools and the means and nowhere to go but up. I am not afraid anymore. The world is growing and I too must suffer little white hairs...
Friday, February 26, 2010
I can not begin to explain how difficult it is to take a minute to write on this blog. I am always doing something or with someone or running around or eating or gone etc etc etc! I have been here for a month and, though I certainly feel at home by now, I am not settled down. Ive still got so many touristy things to do and people to meet! Whats more is that the workload, both in my politics and my portuguese classes have begun to pick up because carnival is over. This I am glad for because i am accustomed to everything being fast paced back at UVA and I looove keeping busy.
Ive had a great introduction to the rhythm of Brazil. Brazillian history is similar to the states in some manners, massive bouts of immigration, colonization, exploitation, political unrest, displacement and finally a makeshift solution to a long engrained issue of racism and inequity. Such is life! Today we began our classes on grantwriting and I am so very excited to learn how to have this experience of formal writing. As some of you may know, I would like one day to open up a chocolate factory and, though it may seem a private enterprise and not a public service, the purpose will be to increase minority employment in NYC and expand the pool of skilled minority workers by reinvesting into the community of Harlem. I will need to know how to write a proposal for a grant to ask for startup money.
This week I most say, I feel old. All along, with every passing day in Brazil, I have indeed felt anewed, but this week, I am grown. Not old old, but old. The kind of, OMG my life is starting old. The kind of you better fudge some confidence and get out there into the real world old. The kind of, are people looking at me? I am aware not only of my eyes but that others have eyes as well. At Cadec, my volunteer internship, I have been informed that money is depleting. Everyone was crying and emotional. The volunteers that I have become accustomed to, are leaving because they can not afford to continue working there. No one is getting paid, I never knew. I keeping thinking of the kids who will have nowhere to go and no one to stay with if this place closes. Of the meals they wont eat and the attention they wont get. I cant help but feel emotional. Today I am a person with means who has not yet learned how to utilize them. Today I am asked to do something. American, can you help? I should and can, but how? Today, as my friend was straightening my hair,she passed me a white hair. MY FIRST WHITE HAIR. There was only one but I almost started crying, I couldnt hear anything, everything was a blur...I am getting older. Im 20! Im 20! When I return to college I will be legal to drink in the states. This is the first time I am afraid of my life. This is the first time I am afraid for my life.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Though Vitoria came as an afterthough to our week of carnival, Caleb and I thoroughly appreciated the luxury of spending this past saturday in the more upscale part of town. Vitoria, similar in appearance to the east side of manhattan, is situated a bridge away from Vila Velha and is about a 30 minute bus ride from my house.
We visited a mutual friend, Fabiana, a spunky fun chick from Philadelphis who has come back to revisit her Brazillian roots, and hung out with her roommate Gaby and her girlfriend Carol. Apparently, there is a large and visible lesbian population in Vitoria. I have to say, it was quite a relief to chill with the more bohemian type and, if I did not know I was in Brazil, I would have definitely felt comfortable saying we were somewhere on the uppereast side of manhattan.
There was a padaria( if I use this phrase its because they are everywhere, all it means it a little bakery) Across the street from Gabys house, and I was stunnned by how charming it was and how delicious the food seemed. It was a small scale boutique Im sure, but compared to the ones back home, the food was surprisingly reasonable. Can you see the chocolate cakes! They call them tortas here. I stared at it so long, I myself decided a picture would last longer and took a few. It even began a conversation between me and the lady managing the bakery. I asked her if she made it and she looked at me laughing and asked ´are you serious? I can´t make that, I just sell it.´ It sure had my tastebuds going, imaging that smooth dark chocolate feel inside my mouth. Do you see the little Garota chocoloate bom bom perched on top? They consider that stuff luxury man...
I instead ended up procuring some suprisingly authentic japanese food from a restaurant across the street and found a sushi roll with sundried tomato inside. Have you ever seen that? Maybe its not so crazy novel as Im making it out to be, but I thought it was pretty cool. I also ended up buying some sexy brazillian avianas(chinelas) that were pink with gold designs. I wear them every day now! I have only been away from Vitoria a few days, but I already miss her. Though vitoria has the best city by far, Vila Velha most certainly has the best beach, in fact the differences between the beaches are so extreme that I may not even swim in the Vitoria beach again for fear that I may spawn a new limb. Anywho, Vitoria my have not seen the end of me...
Monday, February 22, 2010
An Excerpt of Pessoa, My Useless Literary God
"I don´t know the meaning of this journey I was forced to make, between one night and another night, in the company of the whole universe. I know I can read to amuse myself. Reading seems to me the easiest way to pass the time on this as on other journeys. I occasionally lift my eyes from the book where I am truly feeling and glance, as a foreigner, at the scenery slipping by-fields, cities, men and women, fond attachments, yearnings-and all this is no more to me than an incident in my repose, an idle distraction to rest my eyes from the pages I´ve been reading so intently.
Only what we dream is what we truly are, because all the rest, having been realized, belongs to the world and to everyone. If I were to realize a dream, I´d be jealous, for it would have betreayed me by allowing itself to be realized. ´I´ve achieved everything I wanted,´says the feeble man, and it´s a lie, the truth is that he prophetically dreamed all that life achieved through him. We achieve nothing. Life hurls us like a stone and we sail through the air saying, ´Look at me move.`
Whatever be this interlude played out under the spotlight of the sun and the spangles of stars, surely there´s no harm in knowing it´s an interlude. If what´s beyond the theatre doors is alife, than we will live, and if it´s death, we will die, and the play has nothing to do with this.
That´s why I never feel so close to the truth, so initiated into it´s secrets, as on the rare occasions when I go to the theatre or the circus: than I know that I am finally watching life´s perfect representation. And the actors and actresses, the clowns and magicians, are important and futile things, like the sun and the moon, love and death, the plague, hunger and war among humanity. Everything is theatre. Is it truth I want? I´ll go back to my novel..."
Ah! All of my writings are just Pessoa echoing through my soul! The moment I met him, I knew no landscape could cheer my heart. I am as bright as day, with a smile that betrays sincere happiness. Why then, when I compose, do I reek of blues? Who placed this soul here and wrote these lyrics? Who taught me minor chord progressions and the temptation of irresolution? You´ve played a love story so many times, you think you wrote it. And of the love stories you have written? Have they been so tragic? Has not every lovc been another revolution? I recollect in solitude that I am soley a creation of the leisure class. If I did not love literature, I would not have to die like this. Useless and intelligent, I retreat inside myself. May my pen halt at the truth.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Bom Dia
This morning felt almost like every other morning in New York city, but for that they put too much milk in my coffee. I walk towards where the sun meets dawn, where the sound of construction outsings the birds, hope in hand. No one sees me in the crisp fog of daybreak, I am a consciousness breathing through the mist. Half awake, I skip my morning courtesies with the doorwoman, the bricklayer and the man at the newspaper stand. Like watching the birds in washington heights, I allow myself to observe and be observed.
The 20 minute break that´s not a break at all we get to sit and drink our coffee in the padaria across the street is all the freedom in the world. Sunlight through jail bars, these moments are tenderly mine. Caffeine pours into the yawning streets, and I feel the day grinding with human energy. Her name is progress-we don´t always know where she´s going, or if she´s right, but we can smell her anywhere. She may not always be right, but she´s never wrong-even if all she does is keep the heart of the city beating. Like an adolescent, I am itching for growth and staring into the jungle of my dreams...
The day is resolved in a layer of sweat and dirt-which sometimes is its own achivement. I stare at all my colors in the mirror and am proud of the bronzed arms I am wearing. The dirt does not go away, I am forever tanned by this place-stronger and more beautiful. When I sleep I am an orb of restless energy, comforted by city music.
We´ll be in trouble once they teach bricks to lay themselves. But for now this morning felt just like an Ny morning-they put a little too much milk in their coffee though.
Seranata do Amor
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
My Apologies
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
my jovial sleep is depressed by a new reality:
My bed overlooking a window to a landscape of impossibilities. Therein lie the deepest desires of my soul, triggered by unconscious exposure to propoganda and the floating ideas of men. I am possessing the sensation of beauty, and eager for its actualization. But there are no worlds within my reach where fields sparkle like gold and the sky is an endless sea, and the ether that formed the earth is left at my disposal. No-any beauty that treds these parts I carried from slumber, opening my hands only to find its turned to dust in transit. Sadly, I let it slip like time through my fingers...
But there was a moment I was drowned in colors, and the novelty of the experience let me know that it was magic. I was a child swept under a wave, fear forcing my arms to resist. Eyes forced open in terror, I was soon calmed by a song of blues, purples and whites beneath the sea. Breath waning, there was no life to worry about, it was not day or night-it was a sensation my body possessed: dying peacefully. Yet as I slowed my own resistance, the ocean sensed my defeatism and threw me back into life,retreating again into its vortex of certain endlessness. When I arose, there were dark bodies sparkling in the shallow waters, laughing into the setting sun. In this world, the secret of my death is not a thing for poetry, but for the restless shadows of impossibilities I cast outside my window.
To dream in life as well as in sleep, is to believe in ghosts. It is to carry phanotms, other-wordly fantasies, into the world of man and allow them breath. Footsteps where no one walked, a song with no composer, the whistling you sometimes hear-all the mysteries of sleepwalkers-those unforunate men who know not the difference between here and there.
I am one of them, living a million lives inside my head, loving for reasons that dont exist. To be ambitious is to presuppose a destiny. But what is this destiny? Of what is it composed? We can track a million years past by measures of erosion-but not a single minute into the future. I can imagine a potentiality, but this image is a mystery to be discovered. We are all subconciously casting images into that nonexistent space and time ahead, like throwing lines into the ocean. One or two may bite, but what of the ghosts who never manifest? They are put to rest and are forgotten in death. But from time to time, up from the racing oceans and streams, one may here the phantom song of a long forgotten dream...
Friday, February 12, 2010
Taking Myself Over
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Pics from Cadec!
But I feel like I am not prepared for this kind of job. I can play with them outside all day and handle conflicts and feed them and make sure they dont pee in the trash can(yes apparently they have been doing this) but I dont feel like i am prepared to teach them things. After carnival(which is next week!!!) i will have 40 kids every day and Caleb and I will be teaching a class of English. I can barely speak portuguese!! Im excited and kinda freaked out at the same time. These kids are the most challenging but strangely caring that I have ever come across in my life. At least I have the practice of having you crazy kids as my brothers and sisters!! Im the oldest(other than Robert) living in a house turned nursery back home so i am quite accustomed to dealing with cretons....
Monday, February 8, 2010
As I said, in Cadec, a school for kids through the ages of 7 to 12, about 40 kids attend in the morning and 40 kids attend in the afternoon. Most of them are a dream, some or not. But it is not the kids that get to me, it is the fact that for the last week or so that I have been here, I have seen nothing constructive done academically with these kids. Granted, they don~t start official school until a week from now(nobody does anything here until after Carnival) but why not plan something for the kids who are here all day? The facility has a bunch of volunteers who administer but it is usually, me, Caleb and another girl who play with the kids. As of right now, this is my job. To play games....tag, picoalta(kinda cool, u run from the person whose it and jump on top of something as base), hand games, we tell stories....its more like camp then school right now. But the kids sometimes look as if theyre dying with boredom until we come to play with them. They should be studying!!! And on top of this, they only have four hours of school, and they wonder why they have so many kids running around in the streets.
A friend of mine here whose in highschool said she was guna skip school this week cuz she doesnt want to go. There is no repercussion for this, her parents are cool with it and shes just not guna go....crazy to me. School is only four hours and she prolly wont be doing anything with those four hours.
Admittedly, it is difficult to study in paradise. You live across the street from the beach, all your friends, crab stands, street parties and carnival. But the biggest difficulty is the heat. It is very hard to read in the heat as it almost always puts u to sleep. I am coming to value New York City winters by being here.
I am also coming to value more things about myself...things like my race, where I come from, who I am..I was never really proud to be american but here they lover everything american, every time they beg me to translate a beyonce song i say u know we do have some other artists over here. Also, my hair. I thought I would be annoyed at the fact that I cant get it done bc its too humid to have it straightened, but it has become my mane. People adore my hair and they wont let me straighten it. I feel that I love it more than I ever have and I feel more beautiful than before...most ppl here think im braisilera until i start to talk. They thing Im from Bahia, where the majority of the african population is from here. The blacker u are, the more beautiful u are considered. In Brazil, there is much appreciation of the brazillian roots, and even the lightest skin people are proud to have african blood in their veins. How different brazil is from america, every woman wants an african man. Black is Beautiful..
Anyhow, I got off track but I suppose my head was in a bunch of different places. My initial romanticization of the place has subsided, now I must decide the direction of this love affair and whether we can work out together....TTFN,
-Nicole(Or Nicoli as they call me here)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010