Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pao de Acucar-Sugar Loaf

Have you ever seen the view over Sugar loaf in Rio? I almost forgot to show you some of the images from the top of this major tourist spot. It's sugar loaf and corcovado that are the two most famous spots in Rio. We took the skytram thingy(I forgot what you call it) up to the top of these mountains where hundreds of tourists are snapping photos of one of the most beautiful sights in the world. It is difficult to describe so I will just show you the photos. The shots are of the beaches of copacabana, ipanema and every other paradise you've heard of in a Tom Jobim song.
I have to admit I was a little afraid, the ride up was shaking and we were crazy high. There is something tantalizingly frightful of being in a little craft over a mountain and knowing that if it crashed it would be the end of you and everyone in there. But it wouldn't have been the first time I've done something here that scared the crap out of me. I mean, I climbed a mountain in chucks without a strap, I walked up a waterfall and ran into a venemous snake, road on the back of a pickup truck zipping down the highway-I think I can deal with a little heights. Man, yall can not call me a girly girl after this trip.

Can you see Corcovado there in the background up on the hill? The clouds in the back made it even more dramatic.

Me in my "Brazil's gunna win the world cup" shirt. It only sucks that I'm not going to see it. On the right side of me is our friend Nilze who came down from Santarem on business with Daniel. Boa gente.

Caleb couldn't find his toothbrush and toothpaste and he found it in his pants on this trip. Vagabond.
We found some monkeys fighting in the trees and I wanted to take a picture bc they were actually the first monkeys I found here! I put my foot in the picture to prove that I was there and that homie was crazy close. So many normal things here, like monkeys and bats all up in the trees...still take me a while to get use to.

1 comment:

  1. hi baby....ola tudo bom....i'm half italian and turkish boy i'm frank and i live in U.K. London ...i've seen Rio for me city most incredible of the world...compliments for pics and for you delicia.my e-mail is fra.gagliardi79@libero.it
    bejo com meu coracao
