Sunday, February 28, 2010

The earthquake in Haiti was an event more devasting than many of us have ever experienced. The event turned our attention to the disastrous state of the country and the many persons living well below the poverty line. It was a disaster that took the lives of more than 200,000 and displaced over a million. The world is touched by the magnitude of what has occured. When I look at these pictures, they do not nearly match what as a child I imagined the world would be like. I do not need a touching anecdote from Hollywood to understand the urgent need in that country. Over 200,000. It never occured to me how many Haitian friends I had until this tragedy. It was petrifying being able to do little more than call and make sure they at least were alive. Who knows the rest of their family.

I am not at my University now, but when I return this summer, I would like to do a major fundraiser, as many are doing. As many are doing, I would like to collect funds and food and send them to Haiti. I would like to celebrate Haitian culture and invite my friends to celebrate as well. I think so many péople realized how lucky they were to be Haitians living in America this year...

There are now more people covered in dirt. An earthquake with a magnitude of 8.8 in South America took the lives of 400 on February 27th. It has hit over four countries, including Brazil, destroying homes and displacing many. The earthquake triggered a Tsunami that is bound to hit the Pacific coast. I am not sure where, but I do know that people all over the coast are moving inland. I am hoping my family in California is not affected. Please keep my posted about the effects of this tsunami. All these things seem impossibly close, hitting closer and closer to home. But we must not take this as some vengeance of the earth or the manifestation of some ancient prophecy. We are all powerful in this world, and there are some monsters we ourselves have put in motion. We are not just the helpless victims, and we must cease looking at ourselves this way. If you must die for a cause, look around you-we aren´t short of causes. If you must live for the moment, do so, conscious of the fact you are a moving element of the world-tiny yet visible, and you are capable of bringing relief. So shed tears in your penthouses for the things you don´t think you can fix, but remember what it took you to get there. Remember that nothing ever was easy. Maybe you didnt dream it would be like this either. But here we are with the tools and the means and nowhere to go but up. I am not afraid anymore. The world is growing and I too must suffer little white hairs...

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