Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Apologies

Dear Family and Friends,

I must offer my deepest and sincerest apologies for not being myself. On this blog, you expected to find the deepest expression of my soul, and I have failed to provide. Well let me now compensate for the faults of the my friends, is a little taste of some of the foods of Brazil....

Here we have the hamburger, an American import of course, but a strange take on the American version! Here, they include a smaller crunchier version of fries(Batatas fritas) inside of the burger! Its packed an occassionally has some egg as well. Many brazillians use a lot of mayo but i abhor this....

So I cant remember the name of this dish....but it is some kind of meat stew served over rice with some french fries on the side. It was bomb...I let you know the name when I find was kinda hard to pronounce..
I promise there will be more! In fact, I will dedicate a blog to it....later.

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