Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pics from Cadec!

Dalva runs the show with the yum yums!! Great woman, awesome food...shes trying hook me up with her son, the one behind her is tryna hook me up with her brother, they brought me gifts!! I guess they all want an American in the family, lol.

Dont let there looks deceive, theyre like little adults

They all wanted to be on the blog!!These are my little monsters that I have to take care of Monday thru thursday...I get off thursday thru sunday which is awesome. Today was nutz...I had to keep them all inside even though classes didnt start yet. I could barely keep them in their seats. I am starting to see now how this is a school for the kids who need more atttention.

But I feel like I am not prepared for this kind of job. I can play with them outside all day and handle conflicts and feed them and make sure they dont pee in the trash can(yes apparently they have been doing this) but I dont feel like i am prepared to teach them things. After carnival(which is next week!!!) i will have 40 kids every day and Caleb and I will be teaching a class of English. I can barely speak portuguese!! Im excited and kinda freaked out at the same time. These kids are the most challenging but strangely caring that I have ever come across in my life. At least I have the practice of having you crazy kids as my brothers and sisters!! Im the oldest(other than Robert) living in a house turned nursery back home so i am quite accustomed to dealing with cretons....

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