Monday, February 22, 2010

I know Ive had a decent rest when I have dreampt. Amanda, Caleb and I walked along the beach to the movie theater in the shopping mall that night and we saw this ball of light in the sky that scared Amanda. It was too far from the shore to be fireworks but too close to the ocean to be a falling star. We did not come to a consensus about what it was, but I dreampt about it that night. It was a gorgeous walk, its amazing how calming it could be to just walk alongside the beach, nothing special needs to happen.
Amanda is Calebs host sister, as beautiful as she is kind. You find here that despite how young people are here, many of them are way beyond their years in maturity. Shes only 16 but weve become good friends and shes probably more mature than some idiot 21 year olds I know. She bodyboards every saturday morning and Im going to start taking lessons with her. She is thinking about being a marine biologist and would love it if she became a professional surfer. Shes sensitive and sweet, and going to her place makes me feel back at home , kids dogs cats and smiles! Shes got this adorable dimple that was actually the result of a really bad accident when she was younger. I think it adds character. All things happen for a reason.
So that night we saw that valentines day movie which I keep forgetting the name of, but has all the famous actors in it, you know what Im talking about. Anyways, I was thinking of you dad as we stacked up on candy in the supermarket-we bought crazy chocolate, ruffles and ice cream and couldnt have stuffed ourselves up more with sweets if we wanted to. This was the perfect movie for that! Though I am not the kind of female whose usually into the romantic comedy, I will admit, this got a few tears out of me. Well done hollywood, I would reccomend it to even my dude friends(well all of you guys who said you cried at pursuit of happiness, if you didnt cry for that you just have no heart)
They have a cookie brand called Amandita Amanda! Thought youd like this:
Did some browsing through the mall and let me tell you something mom, the shoes!!! AHHHH, ok, not only gorgeous but crazy cheap(im talkin 20-30 bucks) for a pair of awesome sandals, stilletos, you name it. Im going to start putting up different shoes so you can let me know what kind you what, im def getting you a pair down here. Theyre really cheap because they produce their own shoes here. Let me know what kind you want! Below is a posting of some really cute sandals I liked, but they have crazy more variety than this, with awesome colors as well.

Chris and Tay Tay! Dont think I forgot about you....dudes here wear swimming trunks to class...however this beautiful specimen you see here below, is called a sunga....even shorter than a european speedo. Das allll yoou. Lol.

I dreampt that night about the light in the sky. In my dream it was a light opening up from the heavens, strangely my dream was just a still picture of the image. When I woke up, I thought maybe it was a ball of lightning.


  1. I am doing an event at your mother's job tomorrow and she sent me to check out your blog. It's fabulous! Thanks, Farai

  2. Thank you very much! Good to know someone other than mommy and daddy is reading it, lol.
