Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Though Vitoria came as an afterthough to our week of carnival, Caleb and I thoroughly appreciated the luxury of spending this past saturday in the more upscale part of town. Vitoria, similar in appearance to the east side of manhattan, is situated a bridge away from Vila Velha and is about a 30 minute bus ride from my house.

We visited a mutual friend, Fabiana, a spunky fun chick from Philadelphis who has come back to revisit her Brazillian roots, and hung out with her roommate Gaby and her girlfriend Carol. Apparently, there is a large and visible lesbian population in Vitoria. I have to say, it was quite a relief to chill with the more bohemian type and, if I did not know I was in Brazil, I would have definitely felt comfortable saying we were somewhere on the uppereast side of manhattan.

There was a padaria( if I use this phrase its because they are everywhere, all it means it a little bakery) Across the street from Gabys house, and I was stunnned by how charming it was and how delicious the food seemed. It was a small scale boutique Im sure, but compared to the ones back home, the food was surprisingly reasonable. Can you see the chocolate cakes! They call them tortas here. I stared at it so long, I myself decided a picture would last longer and took a few. It even began a conversation between me and the lady managing the bakery. I asked her if she made it and she looked at me laughing and asked ´are you serious? I can´t make that, I just sell it.´ It sure had my tastebuds going, imaging that smooth dark chocolate feel inside my mouth. Do you see the little Garota chocoloate bom bom perched on top? They consider that stuff luxury man...

I instead ended up procuring some suprisingly authentic japanese food from a restaurant across the street and found a sushi roll with sundried tomato inside. Have you ever seen that? Maybe its not so crazy novel as Im making it out to be, but I thought it was pretty cool. I also ended up buying some sexy brazillian avianas(chinelas) that were pink with gold designs. I wear them every day now! I have only been away from Vitoria a few days, but I already miss her. Though vitoria has the best city by far, Vila Velha most certainly has the best beach, in fact the differences between the beaches are so extreme that I may not even swim in the Vitoria beach again for fear that I may spawn a new limb. Anywho, Vitoria my have not seen the end of me...

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