Friday, April 30, 2010


They all came out. The whole clinic, Gaby, Amanda, Nando, Faby and everyone we could have imagined came out to our last bbq to celebrate our time here and say our last goodbyes. This was the sunday before we left for the amazons, it was real fun. Christopher and Vinissus, though they are not in this picture cuz they had left by this time, were the first to Brazillians we met in Brazil. The first day we got here, they brought us around town-I with Christopher and Caleb with Vinissus-to teach us the bus system and show us around. We spoke nothing of Portuguese-it was hillarious. Chris was trying to follow my spanish. We did not see them for the next three months, so I have to say, it was pretty rewarding to see the show up in the end at this party. It was also rewarding to be able to actually have a full conversation with them!

We ate, we sang and danced and drank and said goodbye. It was a beautiful goodbye that I will always appreciate and remember. I got to say goodbye to my little Nicoli(Rafaela's daughter from some of the first blogs) although she was mad at me because she wanted me to play barbie the whole time.

I have to shout out my Philly chick fab. Woman, you have gone to the end of the earth to come see our asses and we appreciate. She took like 2 buses for a total travel time of like, 2 hrs to come spend a few hours with us on our final day.

Most memorable moment? Back of the pickup with Fab, Nando, the cleaning lady and her husband who was trying to get Fab to take his children to America and three adorable little kids. Laughing as we sped down the highway hair blowing in the wind. Good times. Thanks guys.

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