Friday, March 5, 2010

Al otro lado del rio

The first song on my playlist is not a portuguese song, it is called `Al otro lado del Rio`(On the other side of the river) And it is a song that moves me. I wanted to explain to you the significance of this song for is about struggle and hope and it has a beautiful and universal meaning. I hope you love it as much as I do, the translation is as follows:

I plunge my oar in the water
I carry your oar in mine
I believe I have seen a light
On the other side of the river

The day will come when we will be able to conquer
Little by little, the cold
I believe I have seen a light
On the other side of the river

Above all, I believe that all is not lost
So many tears, So many tears
And I am an empty glass

I hear a voice that calls me,
almost as a sigh :
"Row, Row, Row!
Row, Row, Row!"

In this border of the world
Where there isn´t a dam, there´s barren land,
I believe that I have seen a light
On the other side of the river

I, very serious, go on rowing
But inside and I am smiling
I believe that I have seen a light
On the other side of the river

Above all, I believe that
all is not lost
So many tears, So many tears.. and I
am an empty glass

I hear a voice that calls to me,
almost as a sigh :
"Row, Row, Row!
Row, Row, Row!

I plunge my oar in the water
I carry your oar in mine
I believe I have seen a light
On the other side of the river

The song is about life, love and frienship. About going on, serious about the changes you want to make but loving the world and the experience deep inside. Muy adentro, sonrio(I smile deep inside myself.) It is the hope that allows you to keep on rowing. I am both imprisoned in this world, yet free, at the very least, to row on...
Rema, Rema, Rema.

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