Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Americans

The companionship of english speakers(americans in particular), has indeed been a relief. Other than Fabi, our Philly friend whose rediscovering her Brazillian roots and living with an exchange student who stayed with her in the past, I met two Texans on business here, working in machinery for oil drilling, or mining was it...I cant remember, anyways they were def chill and I felt all grownup chillin with all them in their fancy penthouse in Praia da Costa.

Unlike I did when I was younger, I dont feel uncomfortable hanging out with an older crowd. We drink and talk and laugh and I follow what theyre saying. I think this is really what Ive been needing, a more sophisticated vibe with people who have something to talk about, you know? I like getting advice from people whose years are a little ahead of mine, yet being respected for the few things I do know. Def cool people. Craig took Fabi and I out to this great Italian restaurant where we devoured this huge filled pizza and followed up with some Caipirina. If youre wondering, no, Im not in the least bit getting tired of Caipirina. It is the staple drink of Brazil, but I feel like everytime I have it, its different. Member when you made this for me down in Florida, Paulo? It was a little strong then,but I think thats because you didnt use enough sugar. Ima hook it UP when i get back lol.
Problem is, it is the staple drink because it uses the staple liquor-cashaça, a piece of hell made from sugarcane that some people down like water over here. Man, I wouldnt use pure cachaça on my booboos, lol. Its basically ice, lime and sugar mashed up(but dont mash the lime up too much!) and then pour in that cachaça baby. You can substitute with vodka but its not the same thing. Actually thats called Capivodka, anyways, the stuff is good.

So we ate, went back to the hotel and talked and ate some cake and cookies and stuff. Sometimes you just need a few good people to make the atmosphere. Im learning alot from Fabi, who used to be a promoter for Def Jam, and is transitioning into being an artist under Universal. She knows a lot about the business and is letting me in on a lot of tips that I really appreciate. When she returns to Philly, Im def guna check out the music scene with her. Overall, shes a chill hustler.

I slept on the couch that night. In the air conditioning! It was the first time I slept with air conditioning the whole time that Ive been here. Like, imaginge someone from Survivor being offered a night in air conditioning. I showered in a nice hot hotel shower and slept soooo well. It couldnt last long enough. I fell asleep cheezing(now that I think of the image I knew it must have been pretty funny) I think that before I fell asleep, I was cheezing for like five minutes. LMAO, I think I dreampt like 50 times, man it was the bomb.

We woke up the next morning and Craigs chill ass gave us both 10 R to go purchase some breakfast for ourselves. At first it was strange, I mean, I knew he was getting paid, but I am not used to being given money just for being a friend. He said, thanks you guys are really cool, dont sweat it. It was strange, I am a woman who comes from means, unaccostomed to such treatment from males. But I appreciated it. Me and Fab ate at this place across the street and ordered some pao with queijo and presunto and the juice I know Ima miss when I get back. Just Bomb. Great night, good start to a day, and some damn good people.

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