Sunday, March 7, 2010

An opinion of religion

I watch her in her aggressive defense of God and Religion and Christianity and lightning and thunder and heaven and hell and humans and angels and devils and fairys and trolls and monsters and closests and nightlights and gardens and apples and trojans and slaves and lyrics and mangers and beards and of love, and I find her so frighteningly human.
I think I am content to merely watch this noisy stream, dribbling like a baby into the calm waters of indifference....

In church, I hear the pastors speakings-
Like toddlers banging out chords.

But when I escaped
the universe was silent,
like the inside of a womb.

I would return, unafraid
into a trembling shell
a drop of knowledge falling into a black whole.

As we continue to be,
to speak love, is redundancy
-I am already crushed by prophecies
I have faith that God will be
a compilation of uncertainties.

Tonight I come down from my soul
and throw my blankets off. I run
naked into the fields where the stars and darkness
have no horizon and look up,
not to view the universe,
but so that is it burned by my inquisitive glaring.

Im open as the sea,
I sense you in the breeze
But I stand here, God, wanting you to see me.

You reply that to speak love
would be redundancy,
and I walk back home,
continuing to be.

All the music in the world
is not enough to ignite the electricity in my soul-
not if you pieced together all the screaming and jiving and raving and
judging and preaching and touching and even the loving.

But there is a certain single note,
not on any piano,
that can bring my death to life.

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